Things I’m Loving: October 2016

Things I'm Loving October

Happy Halloween!

I hope the weekend was wonderful and that your week is off to a fantastic start.  The weather in Denver has been so warm (around 80 degrees!) the past few weeks, so Bernie and I have been getting out to run and walk as much as possible.  While I appreciate the cooler weather because it truly feels like fall and the holidays are right around the corner, I’m totally digging this warm weather.

Here are some of my favorite things from October this year!

Products I am Loving:

  • FODY low FODMAP Pasta Sauce and Salsa

Fody low FODMAP sauce

Fody low FODMAP sauce

I met the folks of FODY at FNCE a couple of weeks ago after finding them on Instagram and I am so thankful I did!! They were kind enough to share their pasta sauce and salsa with me, both of which are low FODMAP and 100% delicious.  Approved by my mom and Brian 😉

Foods I am Loving:

  • This wonderful cookie/bar treat from a bakery in Boston

Cookie Bar from Boston

On my last day in Boston, Brian and I walked around South Boston before catching our flight home.  While walking we stopped into Broadway’s Pastry and Coffee Shop and this little gem jumped out at me.  It was delish!

Nourish Bowl

This nourish bowl has steamed carrots, sautéed kale, brown rice, roasted chickpeas and Thai Peanut Everything Sauce on top.  Talk about satisfying!

Denver Central Market

Brian’s cousin visited us at the beginning of the month, so we took her to the recently opened Denver Central Market.  I loved the bustling atmosphere and the delicious food to look at (and eat!).  There were also lots of beverage options (cocktails, beer, kombucha, coffee, etc), and sweet treats!  We were noshing on dinner, so opted for more savory options but seriously loved it all.  I can’t wait to go back!

FNCE 2016 - How to Get the Most Out of a Conference

I absolutely love creamy clam chowder, but honestly rarely eat it.  Well, I heard that when in Boston enjoying a comforting bowl of this classic soup is a must do…and I couldn’t agree more!! Also, The Barking Crab was situated right on the water with beautiful views of Boston Harbor.  It was a wonderful way to eat lunch!

Workouts I am Loving:

Boulder Rez Half Marathon

You can read more about my full experience with the are by clicking the link above, but I am very thankful I have another half marathon under my belt.

  • Yoga

Yoga Denver

I could always use a bit more yoga in my life, but I made sure to get a couple of classes in this month and loved every second of it.

  • Walking and running with Bernie

Walking Bernie in Denver

Bernie and Cooper

The leaves are just gorgeous here in Denver, and with the nice weather I can’t resist getting outside with Bernie (and his buddy Cooper!) every chance I get.

Moments I am Loving:

  • Exploring Boston

Boston 2016

Boston 2016

I arrived in Boston on Friday night so I would have all day Saturday to explore the wonderful city of Boston.  We walked along the Freedom Trail and really got to see a ton of the city before lunch time!  Exploring on foot is my absolute favorite way to see a new place.

Boston 2016

Boston 2016

  • My mom came to visit this past weekend!

Mom visiting 2016

I loved being able to explore new-to-us places with my mom and sister.  It was a great weekend 🙂

We visited the Molly Brown house, ate at Prohibition, checked out the salon my sister works at, and loved every second of it.

Molly Brown House Denver

  • Meeting so many friends from the internet in real life at FNCE!

FNCE 2016

FNCE 2016

The entire weekend was absolutely amazing and I cannot wait to go to FNCE 2017.

Dinner with Friends

Whenever we get together it’s usually for a rehearsal or performance, so there isn’t a ton of time to chat.  It was so wonderful to just hang out with these inspiring and dedicated ladies without music being involved 🙂

top-3-finalists All Access internships

Thank you to everyone who voted!  I have officially made it to the TOP 3! The final round of voting is this Friday, November 4 through this Sunday, November 6.  I’ll make sure to share links via social media, but I would really appreciate any and all votes 🙂

  • Pastel Pumpkins

Pastel Pumpkins

OK, have I been living under a rock the past 27 years or did pastel pumpkins just become a thing? I feel like I’ve been seeing pumpkins of all colors everywhere this year and I LOVE it! I can’t wait to have a front porch to fill with these decorations some day.

  • Halloween

Halloween 2016 Safari with Dog as Lion

Brian and I celebrated with friends on Saturday night and dressed up as Safari people with Bernie as our lion.  The costume was super simple and pretty cute if you ask me. Here are links to the costume items we purchased:

These spooky cupcakes were also enjoyed 🙂

Celebrating Halloween

  • You guys making my recipes and sharing with me!

Berry Oatmeal Breakfast Bake

Berry Oatmeal Breakfast Bake:  You Made it!

Roasted Vegetable Power Bowl

Roasted Veggie Power Bowl

That’s all I have from last month!

Your Turn!

  • What did you wear for Halloween this year?
  • Share a highlight from October.

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  1. I’m going to Boston this weekend! Super excited to explore! So happy that you made it to the top 3! Keep us posted on the voting! :] I’ll try to stop back on Friday to vote again!

    P.S. Those cupcakes are adorable!

  2. We visited Central Market for the first time in October and I loved it. Such a beautiful space! That said, aside from the (delicious) salads we had from the Green Seed, there are very few options for vegetarians, let alone vegans. But I’m sure we’ll be back! It’s so cute and another great addition to Denver.

    • I agree that it is super cute! Sorry you weren’t able to find many things to eat, though! If my memory is correct I believe High Point Creamery has non-dairy coconut based ice cream, Crema has almond milk as an option, and Green Seed has lots of customizable salads. I am wondering if S and K Provisions has some heart side dishes that are vegetarian or vegan. I wasn’t looking for that kind of option, so I don’t remember. Glad you liked what you were able to find!

  3. Your costumes are awesome. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to do a family costume where we do How the Grinch Stole Christmas and our vizsla Beau can be Max. You guys are definitely #lifegoals for Vizsla Halloween costumes 🙂