Five Things Friday 9.23.2016

Hey and happy first Friday of fall!

This week was just really great.  It didn’t fly by, it didn’t streeeetch on forever…it was just right.  I feel on top of my school work right now, like I have time to enjoy my workouts and cooking meals, and like I’m not pressed for extra hours attempting to squeeze in Brian, Bernie, and friend time.

I’m really trying to embrace the non-rushed feeling of this week, because I typically go into freak out mode when I have too much down time.  When I say “yes” to too many things, I feel like I’m not the best “Tara” I can be.  On the other hand, when I have extra space in my schedule, I have a nagging feeling that the extra space needs to immediately be filled.  It’s taken me about 27 years to realize that I go through this cycle all the time (I’m 27 years old!), but I’m learning to accept the ebbs and flows of each week.

How did this week treat you?

This weekend, Brian and I are going to have a LOT of friend time because our dear friends Drake and Stephanie are getting married in the mountains on Saturday.  We couldn’t be happier for them!  I’ll make sure to share pictures on Monday, because the I just know the aspen trees are on FIRE right now.

Now, before I head into the mountains…I’ll share a Five Things Friday post (after quite the hiatus!)

Five Things Friday from Treble in the Kitchen

Five Things I Ate:

It was rich, creamy, and delicious!

fior di latte gelato boulder

This one is topped with my turmeric ginger granola.  Yum!

smoothie bowl

  • Sprouts on everything…because I grew my own and SO many grew!!!


  • Dinner at Leaf in Boulder

Brian and I ate an early dinner at Leaf in Boulder on Sunday.  Because we were there during happy hour, we ordered several small plates to share and they were all wonderful!! My fav?  Probably the sushi salad 🙂

leaf restaurant boulder

Five Workouts I Did:

  • Boot Camp
  • 1 hour and 30 minute progression run (still training for that half marathon!)
  • Pure Barre
  • Hot Yoga
  • Speed running workout

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • This bouquet of dried flowers.  I am notorious for killing just about any plant that is placed under my care.  The great thing about these beauties is that they cannot be killed!!


  • Stephanie and Drake’s wedding! I am so excited to celebrate their marriage and spend time with friends in the mountains…and we are going horseback riding earlier in the day.  Wish me luck!
  • LIVE Beverages Kombucha

I had seen this kombucha in the store several times, and always wondered if it actually tasted like the soda it claimed to taste like.  Despite the fact that I’m not a soda drinker, I purchased a bottle of the stuff and was AMAZED at how similar it tasted to the real deal.  The Pure Doctor that I tried literally tasted like Dr. Pepper.  You won’t believe me until you try it for yourself.

live kombucha

  • Getting yoga back into my life this week.  While I really enjoy practicing yoga, it’s not always convenient for me to fit into my workout routine.  It had been over a month since Brian and I last practiced! This week, we made it into a Core Power yoga class and it felt sooooo good to be back.  The stretching and mindfulness was just what my body and soul needed.
  • Pumpkin Cornbread!

I shared this recipe earlier in the week, and I just have to give it a shootout again because it was THAT good!  Because we had so much left from testing the recipe, I’ve had a little piece of this bread almost every day…that’s a big deal people because I hardly ever eat leftovers or baked goods on a daily basis.  🙂

Pumpkin Cornbread from Treble in the Kitchen low FODMAP, gluten free, dairy free

Your Turn:

  • Share something fun about your week or the upcoming weekend! I love hearing from you!

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  1. Ah, all my days/weeks seem to fly by but feel super long at the same time! 😛

    Smoothie bowls are my favorite + that gelato looks amazing! I still need to try Pure Barre! *-*

    Hope you have an amazing weekend!