Things I’m Loving: May 2016

Things I'm Loving May from Treble in the Kitchen

May was a month full of fun visitors, travel, running, and being outside. Β I loved it!! Here are my highlights from the month πŸ™‚

Products and Services I’m Loving

Firmoo Sunglasses

I have worked with Firmoo in the past when I needed a new pair of prescription glasses. Β The frames have held up well and I really like the look, so when they asked if I wanted a pair of sunglasses for summer…I immediately hopped on board! Β I really love the style of these aviator sunglasses and they are perfect for the bright Colorado sun.

Sarcastic Nutritionist T-Shirt

Yes, this is me being a total nutrition nerd! I found the Sarcastic Nutritionist on instagram and LOVE so many of her punny products. Β If you have a friend that is also a nutrition geek, I definitely recommend checking out her swag because it is sure to make any nutrition geek giggle πŸ˜‰

The Hive on 16th from Treble in the Kitchen

Have you guys ever used a co-working space? Β I recently used the natural light photo studio at The Hive on 16th here in Denver and really LOVED it! Β This particular co-working space is really geared toward bloggers, photographers, and creative people. Β There are desk spaces to rent, conference rooms to reserve, and a photo studio (which is what I took advantage of). Β The owner, Jessie, is so friendly and warm. Β I definitely recommend this co-working space to anyone who is in a creative line of work that is looking for a space so they can get out of the house and collaborate with others in.

Mascara from Treble in the Kitchen

As I’m writing this, I realize I probably should have taken a photo of my eyelashes so instead you have to trust me on this one. Β This mascara is amazing!! It really lengthens the lashes and lasts forever. Β The only downfall is that it really takes a bit of work and an oil-based cleanser (or coconut oil) to get it off. Β Despite the difficult removal process, I love the length it adds to my lashes!

Workouts I’m Loving

Denver Colfax Half Marathon | Treble in the Kitchen

Earlier this month, I ran the Colfax Half Marathon and had a blast!! You can read more about the race and training updates here.

Bolder Boulder 10K 2016

Brian and I ran our second Bolder Boulder 10k and had an absolute blast. Β You can check out our race recap for details!

Foods I’m Loving:

ProsperOats Denver

This place is like bowl heaven. Β They have sweet or savory bowls of oats or oats and quinoa and they also serve acai bowls. Β All of the toppings look 100% delicious, and after loving my sweet bowl and having a taste of Brian’s fantastic savory bowl I can’t wait to go back!

ProsperOats Denver

Bailey's Almande

Baileys now has an almond milk based beverage that is absolutely delicious!! It is lower in calories and a bit lighter than the traditional stuff, but still tastes amazing. Β I was invited to an event to try the delicious libation where I sampled it in a banana smoothie topped with all the beautiful fruity toppings. Β Yum!

Bailey's Almande

Personal Favorites:

  • Peony season

Peony from Treble in the Kitchen

Guys…peonies are my absolute favorite. Β Over the past couple of weeks, Trader Joe’s has had peonies for sale and I am SO loving it. Β These flowers only bloom for a few weeks throughout the year, so I am happy hat I was able to get a couple of bouquets for home.

  • My balcony garden

Balcony Garden

Balcony Garden

Balcony Garden

This year, I made sure to plant my garden early (but not too early). Β I planted tuscan kale, romaine, rosemary, chives, thyme, basil, oregano, and flowers. Β Everything is looking great and I have been able to enjoy some romaine in my salads and fresh herbs. Β It’s so fun having a garden that is actually growing (ha!).

San Francisco

Earlier this month, Brian and I traveled to San Francisco and had the time of our lives touring the city with Marisa and Noah. Β I wrote an entire blog post about what to see, do, and eat in this wonderful city.

  • Kate and Maureen visiting

Infinite Monkey Theorem

Brian’s mom and our good friend Maureen visited at the beginning of the month. Β We LOVE having visitors, so we made sure to visit various spots around the city (some new to us and some old favorites). Β Thanks for visiting, Kate and Maureen πŸ™‚

And that was my highlight reel from May!!

Your Turn:

  • Share some highlights from your month of May!

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  1. Love these types of posts! I am so impressed with your balcony garden. I can’t see to keep anything alive! I love that Kale shirt so I will definitely be checking out that instagram!

    • Thanks, Sonali! LOVE the kale shirt too. And yes, the Baileys Almande is so good!! Let me know what store you find it at!