Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake

Saturday, Brian and I were able to check another thing off of our “Denver Bucket List” while enjoying the great wintery outdoors.

Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake from Treble in the Kitchen

Many people around here snowshoe in the colder, snowy months.  It seems as if the minute any snow residue is left on the ground, the walkers and joggers throughout the various parks become snowshoers and cross country skiers.

Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake from Treble in the Kitchen

Brian and I decided to give snowshoeing a try with some friends on Saturday, and I am so happy we did!

Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake from Treble in the Kitchen

After renting snowshoes from Sports Authority for $10 each, we made the 1 hour and 45 minute drive from Denver to Brainard Lake, which is known for its several snowshoeing and cross country ski trails.  Since this was our first time and we were bringing the dogs, we opted for the “easy” Brainard Lake Road.

Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake from Treble in the Kitchen

Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake from Treble in the Kitchen

The trail was about 2.5 miles out and relatively flat.  While we could have handled a more difficult path, I honestly enjoyed “walking in a winter wonderland” and taking in all the sites.  Everything was perfectly dusted with snow, the passersby were as friendly as could be, and we were in good company.  It was such a fun way to spend the first half of the day.

Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake from Treble in the Kitchen

Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake from Treble in the Kitchen

I’ll be honest in saying that at the start of the hike, I didn’t know if Bernie would be able to handle all the snow (he has such short hair and very little meat on his bones).  We put him in his jacket and booties and he LOVED every second of it!  I am so glad we brought the dogs because it was a great way to burn energy in both the pups and the humans.

Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake from Treble in the Kitchen

Snowshoeing at Brainard Lake from Treble in the Kitchen

After we were done snowshoeing, we grabbed lunch, then made the drive home.  Much like after a day of skiing, I was SO ready for a shower and fresh clothes…and a warm drink.

Brian and I decided to head out to a local coffee shop right across the street from Sports Authority on South Broadway called Amethyst.  (Marisa introduced me to the adorable cafe!)

Amethyst Coffee Denver from Treble in the Kitchen

We sipped on lattes and just chatted for a few hours 🙂  It was just the best.

Amethyst Coffee Denver from Treble in the Kitchen

When we finally arrived home we were both more than ready for dinner, so I cooked up paella from Juli Bauer’s Paleo Cookbook.

Cooking Dinner

Paella Dinner

It was absolutely DELISH!

Sunday was just a lazy/productive day 🙂

I hope you all had an amazing and wonderful weekend as well!

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  • Share something fun you did over the past few days!

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  1. You’re the second person I know who went snowshoeing this weekend and it’s really making me want to try it out! I JUST bookmarked Amethyst on Yelp on this morning!

  2. How fun!! I have never tried snowshoeing but it looks like a blast! We had friends over on Friday night for a dinner party and game night which was super fun!

  3. That looks like the perfect day. I bought snowshoes for my family last year, but here in the Midwest, the weather did not cooperate to use them. We got them out for the first time last week, and it was a blast!

    • Thanks, Jodi! I think it just snowed in the midwest?! Maybe you’ll get a snowday this week and a chance to try your new shoes 🙂