Love at First Sight…

Morning friends!

I hope the weekend treated you well 🙂

Ours was pretty full yet relaxing.  I did a bit of baking (made these one bowl double chocolate chunk cookies on Friday night), sipped on almond milk lattes with friends, took Bernie to his first session of obedience school, explored Denver on foot with some out of town guests, and enjoyed a wonderful salmon dinner at Shells and Sauce.  Despite all the fun things, I also felt SO productive because I was able to respond to all important e-mails, prep all the food, clean the apartment, and write in my calendar for the week.  Success!

Now, enough talk about the weekend…let’s talk veggies and love 😉

You know how people talk about love at first sight?  Well…if I’m speaking honestly (and I always try to on my little space of the internet!) that’s how I feel about me and veggies.

Tara Treble in the Kitchen

Call me crazy, but I remember being a veggie lover for as long as I can remember.  Growing up, carrots held the top place in my veggie loving heart, but as I’ve grown older my palate has expanded to include almost every veggie! (with the exception of most mushrooms…)

Tasting a Japenese cucumber at the Broad Ripple Farmers Market

Tara Treble in the Kitchen

While I don’t label the way that I eat, I DO think it’s important for anyone and everyone to consume lots of fresh produce and I don’t think many people can argue with that 😉

Veggies at the Farmers Market

My intense love for veggies and experimenting in the kitchen is a huge part of why I LOVE developing recipes for this blog, trying new recipes from cookbooks and other bloggers, and why I’m studying to become a Registered Dietitian.

When Mollie asked if I would join her project to create a cookbook focused on all.the.veggies. it took me about .5 seconds of consideration before I responded with an eager “yes!”

The Casual Veggie

I mentioned a fun collaborative project that I have been honored to be a part of not too long ago, and I wanted to share a few more details with you about it!

To create this book, I’ve collaborated with over 45 other bloggers who all shared their favorite veggie-tastic recipes and photos to be included in this amazing cook book.

The Casual Veggie

All of these bloggers involved are amazingly talented and have a deep passion for veggies, so I encourage you to check them out!


Throughout the fall season, we (me and the other bloggers in the cook book) will be hosting a couple of launch parties with fun autumn themed recipes (because…why not?), so be on the lookout for these events! (Don’t worry, you can totally be in your jammies sipping wine…or more realistically for me eating a smoothie bowl at your computer clicking through and pinning your fav new recipes.)

I’m so excited for the launch of this book and I can’t wait for all of you to see it!

Questions of the Day:

  • What veggie would you LOVE to try, but aren’t sure how to eat/prepare it?
  • What is your favorite veggie?

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  1. Oh gosh, I don’t know if I can decide! Cabbage is definitely at the top. It lasts for weeks in the fridge and it’s delicious both raw and cooked! But then there’s brussels sprouts, carrots, tomatoes, all the squash….yeah. I’m pretty psyched about this cookbook!

  2. I could not live without tomatoes! I panic when there are only 2 or 3 left in the basket and I love them mostly uncooked. Eggplants and butternut squash are also high on the list, but I don’t eat them as often as I eat tomatoes.

    • That’s kind of how I am with bananas! Gotta have them on hand at all times 🙂 I’m also loving eggplant and butternut right now!

  3. Picking a favorite veggie feels like picking a favorite child… I can’t possibly choose! There are so many that I simply must have on a very regular basis! Broccoli, carrots, potatoes of all varieties, zucchini, spinach/kale/greens, squash, and on and on! Bring on the veggies! So excited to be part of this amazing cookbook with you!

  4. First off, we totally have the same shirt haha! And my favorite veggie— oh that changes daily! Right now I’m on a brussels sprout kick but I’m also loving my fall squashes, especially delicata squash. So glad to be collaborating on such an awesome e-book with you!

  5. So fun getting to “meet” you via the cookbook, Tara! I’m so excited for the 19th!

    I’d have to say my top “intimidates-me-too-much-to-buy-it” veggie is okra. I hate to admit it, but I’ve never even tried it — I simply didn’t have it growing up, and it isn’t in very many restaurants where I live. I’d love to try it someday, but am afraid that my inexperience with it will end up with it turning out badly, and I want my first time with to be good… you know, I want us to love each other first. Err… something like that.

    As for favorite veggie, that’s a tough one! I think my favorite vegetable changes depending on the season, and my mood. Right now I think I’d have to say sweet potato or butternut squash, but they’ll have to fight it out for the title.

    • So great to “meet” you too! I’ve never purchased okra either!! I totally agree that having your first experience be prepared by a professional is the best way to go…then you know what it’s “supposed” to taste like 🙂 Yay for fall squash!

  6. Man, I WISH I loved veggies! I have a really hard time with them but I also know how important they are! I am excited to see what recipes you all have to share and hopefully I can find some favorites! I’m excited about this!

  7. That’s so funny that you don’t like mushrooms, because that’s probably my favorite! I love trying different kinds and love all the different ways you can prepare it. Yum!! Most squash are intimidating to me and I would love to learn how to cook them!

    • More mushrooms for you! Squash can be intimidating, but knowing how to cut them makes it sooo much easier! 🙂

  8. It’s hard to pick just one but I think sweet potatoes are pretty awesome, tasty on their own or in sweet and savory recipes. I love your label-free approach to eating and totally agree we could all benefit from consuming lots of produce 🙂

  9. definitely can’t name a favorite veggie, though i’ve been eating more green beans than usual lately. while i detested most veggies when i was little, i think i always liked green beans!

  10. ooo i cant wait to check out this cookbook! i recently signed up for a service that delivers organic veggies to my door every wednesday! which means i get to try things i never have before (p.s. my new favorite vegetable is the TURNIP. SO GOOD).