Five Things Friday 9.25.2015

Thank you to everyone for entering the Tribe Wheel Bracelet Giveaway! The winners have been e-mailed.  There is still time to enter the giveaway for Barre workout DVDs, so head on over to yesterday’s post to check it out!

Happy First Friday of Fall and Last Friday of September!

I hope your day is going great and that your week overall hasn’t been too bad either 😉

This week, I actually felt like I had a handle on getting everything done within the week.  I may have a few things to catch up on this weekend, but it’s nothing compared to what it was at the beginning of the month. Over the past few weeks, I have felt like I was scrambling at each moment to TRY to get the bare minimum done, so it’s a nice change to feel a little more organized and productive.  (I am attributing this to the fact that I am no longer in Organic Chemistry 😉 )

This weekend, Brian and I are hosting a little friend get together tonight, going to a party for the family I nanny for tomorrow night, starting obedience school for Bernie, and we plan on hiking to see the aspens on Sunday.  It should be a great weekend!

And in other news…

I now have snapchat!

You can find me @trebleinthekchn 🙂

snap chat

One more thing before we move on to Five Thing Friday…quite a few of you have questions about my distance dietetics program and I am so excited to answer these questions!  Would you guys be available/want to chat with me live about my dietetics program on Periscope?  Let me know! I’ve got a few videos/posts in the works.

Alright…now for the fun stuff!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • Love Grown Foods Super Oats mixed with 1/4 cup pumpkin, mashed ripe banana, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla extract and topped with peanut butter (or almond butter depending on my mood!).

Super Oats with Pumpkin

  • This was a delicious and easy dinner!  I combined cooked spaghetti squash (yay for winter squash!) with my homemade marinara, and ground chicken mixed with all the seasonings of my herb chicken meatballs.  I sprinkled extra oregano on top and baked it at 400 for about 30 minutes.  Brian had two servings at dinner and I have eaten it at lunch the past two days with some extra roasted zucchini I had cooked for the week.  It’s so good and simple!

Spaghetti Squash Bake

  • Post run smoothie bowl for the win!  This bowl had frozen banana, frozen blueberries, frozen spinach cacao powder, hemp protein, vanilla extract, stevia, and coconut milk.  I topped it with almond butter, granola and more blueberries. (I was pretty liberal with this smoothie and the toppings since it was after my 20 mile run!!)

Smoothie Bowl

  • Another simple and flavorful meal:  rice topped with roasted veggies with taco seasonings, shrimp, tomato, and a little hot sauce.

Shrimp Fajita Bowl

  • Blast from the past…overnight oats! I mixed 1/3 cup oats with 1 Tbsp chia seed, 2/3 cup liquid (water and coconut milk), cinnamon, vanilla extract and mashed banana.  I then topped with with peanut butter 🙂 (It isn’t very pretty, but it tastes amazing!)

Overnight Oats

Five Workouts I Did and Marathon Training Update:


  • Taught Bodypump
  • Running
  • Stretching
  • Walking the dog 🙂

Marathon Training Update

I’m still chugging along in my marathon training and I actually completed my final long run yesterday…20 miles!

20 mile run

20 mile run

It seems pretty crazy to me that I still have 6 more miles to go to actually run the marathon, but honestly I don’t feel nervous at all!  After completing the big 20 mile run (at a VERY slow pace) I know that I can do it and I could run a bit longer if I needed to, which for the full marathon I will!  I know how I feel on race day (super excited and energetic!) and that will really help push me those extra 6.2 miles.

One thing that I learned this week is that I should NOT run on the treadmill right before a long run.  On Tuesday morning, I wanted to get my run in super early because I had somewhere to be later in the morning so I opted to run 3 miles on the treadmill.  That was a big mistake!  My calves got so tight despite the foam rolling and stretching I did post run.   This definitely impacted my speed and comfort level while completing the 20 miler, but it was a great learning lesson.  I am confident that I will do well on race day (meaning I will finish the race in one piece!) if I am really well rested, not sore, and well nourished.  Thank goodness I didn’t discover this whole treadmill thing right before the race!

Something else I want to mention is how great I felt and still feel after running that long distance!! I remember training for my first half marathon a few years ago and literally feeling like I was going to vomit after my first 13 mile run.  Yesterday, I truly felt the “runner’s high” and I felt energized and excited (from the waist up!) throughout the rest of the afternoon.  It’s pretty cool to see how far I have come 🙂

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • I know I just mentioned it above, but I’m mentioning it again…running 20 miles!
  • Fall candles

fall candles

  • Stretching (can’t get enough of it)


  • Seeing the season change.  Leaves are beginning to fall and turn colors and the mornings are super crisp 🙂
  • This quote:



Whitney from To Live & Diet in LA posted this on her facebook wall yesterday and it was seriously the perfect timing 🙂

Posts I Have Loved:

Alright friends!

That’s all I have for today!!  Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see ya next week 🙂


  • I’d love to hear about your week/weekend!

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  1. This week was super busy but flew by! I celebrated my 3 year work anniversary (CRAZY!) but can’t wait to have a chill, productive weekend to get some blog/health coaching work done. Have a great time hiking!!