Yoga on the Rocks and Our First Time at the Dog Park

Hey friends!!

After this morning’s recipe for a yummy Blended Chia Pudding, I thought I’d pop in with a quick recap of some things from the weekend πŸ™‚

While I did make sure I had time to hit the books a bit on Saturday and Sunday, we also made time for some fun.

Saturday morning, we did our first ever Yoga on the Rocks sponsored by CorePower Yoga. Β  To say it was amazing is kind of an understatement…

CorePower Yoga on the Rocks via Treble in the Kitchen

The sun was shining, there was amazing music, there were over 2,000 yogis participating and the sky couldn’t get any bluer.

CorePower Yoga on the Rocks via Treble in the Kitchen

CorePower Yoga on the Rocks via Treble in the Kitchen

We made sure to be part of the first 250 people to show up so we could get free a free tank top and sunglasses πŸ™‚

CorePower Yoga on the Rocks via Treble in the Kitchen

CorePower Yoga on the Rocks via Treble in the Kitchen

I can’t wait to go practice yoga on the rocks next weekend πŸ™‚

CorePower Yoga on the Rocks via Treble in the Kitchen

Another fun thing we did on Saturday? Β We took Bernie to his first off-leash dog park, the Cherry Creek State Park.

Cherry Creek State Park via Treble in the Kitchen

The off-leash dog area is amazing because it’s this HUGE area that has trails to hike along and water for the dogs to play in and it’s all fenced in, so it’s safe for the dogs.

Cherry Creek State Park via Treble in the Kitchen

Let’s just say, Bernie did amazing (never ran too far and came when we called him!) and he had the time of his life…the pictures say it all!

Cherry Creek State Park via Treble in the Kitchen

Cherry Creek State Park via Treble in the Kitchen

If you have a dog in the Denver area, visiting this park is a serious must!!

Cherry Creek State Park via Treble in the Kitchen

Cherry Creek State Park via Treble in the Kitchen

Cherry Creek State Park via Treble in the Kitchen

HA! That was him literally the entire time. Β It was so stinking cute!

And, we helped him swim for the first time.

Cherry Creek State Park via Treble in the Kitchen

Cherry Creek State Park via Treble in the Kitchen

Cherry Creek State Park via Treble in the Kitchen

He wasn’t as much of a swimming water dog as we had expected, but I think he will do much better the second time around πŸ™‚

After that, I did lots of studying and we had a pretty low key weekend. Β All in all it was a great balance of fun family time and studying.

Speaking of studying…time for me to hit the books!! Hope you all have a wonderful week!

  • What are some fun things you did this weekend?!

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  1. Sounds like the perfect weekend! Yoga looks great and so does the dog park! A bit of a caution though, just be careful and keep a good eye on Bernie! We’ve seen a few dog fights at our local dog park and there was one horrible accident that freaked us out enough to never want to go back. Most owners are great and would watch their dogs, but some people didn’t care what their dog did and let them run around terrorizing the other dogs πŸ™ So just be careful!! (Sorry- I don’t want to scare you off, I would just hate if something happened to him!)

    • Thanks for the advice, Gretchen! We are very aware of the dangers of other dogs. Thankfully you have to pay to attend this park, which I think helps a little. As soon as we heard a dog that didn’t sound as friendly as the others we moved on to another area πŸ™‚ I really appreciate the warning!