Five Things Friday 7.24.2015

Happy Friday!

I hope you all have had a wonderful week πŸ™‚ Β This week has been full of baking for my food lab, finishing up assignments and lab work for my nutrition courses and we had a friend staying with us for a couple of days as a little break in her cross country move (from Indy to Oregon!).

Me and Lauren with her adorable French Bulldog, Bodie

Tara and Lauren at Irish Snug

It’s been a really fun week, but I’m still looking forward to the weekend.

Tomorrow, we are heading to Red Rocks bright and early for the first Yoga on the Rocks session of the year! Β I can only imagine how amazing it will be πŸ™‚

Yoga on the Rocks via Treble in the Kitchen

We also have plans to take Bernie to the dog park and get some studying for Organic Chemistry done. Β Not too excited about the OChem part of the weekend, but it should be ok πŸ™‚

Now let’s head into the weekend with a little five things friday!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • Coconut flour pancakes!! Yum…I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of these. Β I gave the smoothies a break this week because I was using a protein powder that contained some high FODMAP ingredients last week because I ran out of my other protein powder. Β My stomach was really in pain and discomfort on Saturday so I decided to forgo the protein powder this week and things have felt so much better!! Glad I figured that out πŸ™‚

Coconut flour pancakes via treble in the kitchen

  • This lunch bowl!! Spinach, shredded carrots, radish and tomato on the bottom, a hard boiled egg, warm brown rice, steamed zucchini and dijon, salt and pepper. Β So good!! Β (and easy!)

lunch salad via treble in the kitchen

  • Sushi with shrimp, lettuce and cucumber from Go Fish. I also had smoked salmon and tuna sashimi and was in love with all of it. Β If you are in Denver looking for a good sushi place I highly recommend Go Fish!! It’s on a fun street called Broadway with lots of other restaurants and shops that are fun to be around.

Go Fish via Treble in the Kitchen

  • Almond milk latte at Aviano.

Aviano coffee denver via treble in the kitchen

  • Baby food? Β HA! Yep, I ran 12 miles yesterday and started to practice “fueling” for my marathon training. Β This baby food tasted great, has a pretty good list of low FODMAP ingredients (banana, squash puree, citric acid and ascorbic acid<–which is vitamin C), and it totally agreed with my tummy. Β Yay!

Baby Food Marathon Fuel via treble in the kitchen

Marathon Training Update Week 7:


  • Monday–Taught Bodypump
  • Tuesday–5 mile run
  • Wednesday–Yoga
  • Thursday–12 mile run
  • Friday–Was supposed to run 4 miles but did CXWORX instead.

How did it feel?

My 5 mile run felt very comfortable with around an 8:30 pace. Β My biggest issue with the 12 mile run was that it was literally 90 degrees outside…not even exaggerating. Β I waited too late in the day to run (started at around 9am), so I definitely learned my lesson…go as early as possible!!!

Podcasts I listened to:

Five Things Making Me Happy

  • The Bachelorette finale next week! I love love love the finale episodes. πŸ™‚ Β But I really can’t believe it’s here already. Β Yay for Monday night guilty pleasures!
  • Yoga on the Rocks tomorrow…seriously cannot wait!
  • Being ALMOST complete with my first semester of nutrition courses. Β I realize my summer session was only 8 weeks long, but I just can’t believe that I am almost done with my first semester!! I’ll still have Organic Chemistry to work on, but it will be nice to have a lighter course load for the next month.
  • HavingΒ Lauren visit with us. Β It was such a treat to have Lauren stay with us for a couple of days mid week.
  • Mid week activities! Β Because Laurent stayed with us, we went out to eat mid week which literally NEVER happens. Β Then, last night Brian and I went on a mid week date night to see the movie Inside Out. Β It was so adorable πŸ™‚

Alright friends, that is all I have for today. Β I didn’t do much blog reading this week, so I apologize for no links to share.

Have an amazing weekend and I’ll check in with you next week!

Your Turn!

  • Share something with me that is currently making you happy.

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  1. Running long in the heat is SO brutal! Kudos to finishing a long run : ) Interesting about the baby food… I may have to check that out at some point…

  2. Yoga on the rocks looks amazing! I can’t wait to hear about it!
    I hope your friend Lauren likes Oregon as much as I do!
    I can’t wait for the bachelorette finale either. I just caught up on the Men Tell All episode last night! Which guy do you want her to pick? I never thought I’d say this but I think I’d rather his pick Nick. My favorites were the two Bens so I thought she was silly when she let them go!

    • OMG! Lindsey, I cannot wait for Yoga on the Rocks πŸ™‚ And I know my friend will love Oregon!! It looks amazing!!! I think that she is going to pick Sean…but who knows!!!!

  3. So jealous you’re going to yoga on the rocks! Last year when I was visiting Denver we took a trip down there and it was amazing. I would love to do yoga in that gorgeous location! Great job on your runs and getting it done in the heat. In Pittsburgh, it’s been in the 80s and around 90% humidity, so it’s been brutal for runs. I feel your pain!

    • Aren’t the Red Rocks beautiful!? I can’t believe I get to live so close πŸ™‚ Thanks for the run support!! Running in the heat is no joke!