Five Things Friday 7.3.2015

Happy July and 4th of July Weekend!!!!

I seriously cannot believe that it is already the 4th of July.  Exactly one year ago this weekend, Brian and I flew out to Colorado to scope things out before we moved out here at the beginning of August.  CRAZY!

Leaving on a jet plane…

Tara flying to Denver

This year, we are staying right here in CO celebrating with our friends by grilling out, being outside, and just having good old summer fun.  I cannot wait!  These past few weeks full of studying have given me a bit of cabin fever and I’m ready for a glass of wine and weekend FREE from textbooks 🙂

This weekend also marks me and Brian’s SECOND wedding anniversary!! WHAT?!

Wedding via Treble in the Kitchen

To celebrate, Brian and I are going on a guided mountain biking tour.  This is the first time either of us have done this type of adventure…so wish us luck!! I’ll make sure to take lots of picture and give you a full recap of our experience 😉

Alright friends, what do you say we get into some Five Things Friday!  I hope you all have an awesome and fun 4th of July weekend!!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

I’m still on the low FODMAP train.  Recently, I have tried adding a couple of foods back into my diet (avocado last weekend…) and things haven’t gone very well unfortunately.  I’m realizing portion size is a HUGE contributing factor, so I’m working my hardest to figure out the right balance for me.  🙂

  • Smoothie bowls.  I have seriously been in LOVE.  This bowl has 1 frozen banana, 1/2 cup (or a little less) baked sweet potato (no skin), frozen spinach, 1/2 cup coconut milk and 1/2 cup water, brown rice protein powder, topped with a little nut butter and topped with a few blueberries.

sweet potato spinach smoothie bowl via treble in the kitchen

  • Salmon salad!! We got this salmon at the farmer’s market from a man who travels to Alaska and catches it himself.  It was seriously some of the best salmon ever!!!  Grilled it up and topped a salad of spinach greens, roasted butternut squash, strawberries, blueberries, and walnuts.

salmon salad via treble in the kitchen

salmon via treble in the kitchen

  • Simple dinners like this…white rice (less fiber and after a meal with salad or a day of MORE fiber, I need to scale it back to help with my digestion), grilled chicken and grilled zucchini.

dinner via treble in the kitchen

Marathon Training Update Week 4:

I did all workouts according to schedule so far this week:

  • Monday–Taught Bodypump
  • Tuesday–5 mile run
  • Wednesday–OFF
  • Thursday–8 mile run
  • Friday–4 mile run (plan to do CXWORX after)
  • Saturday–Mountain Biking
  • Sunday–OFF

How did it feel?

Bringing my Nathan Handheld Water Bottle seriously makes so much of a difference.  I made sure to bring it with my for my 8 mile run yesterday and felt great 🙂

Nathan Water Bottle via Treble in the Kitchen

I’ve mentioned it before, but speed is really not the goal of this training session.  That being said, it felt good to complete 5 miles with a pace just under 8:30 on Tuesday.

Training run via Treble in the Kitchen

Other than that, I don’t really have any updates!! Training has been great 🙂

Podcasts I Listened To:

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • CoSchedule…ok this one is for all you bloggers out there!!

Has anyone hear about CoSchedule!?  I learned about it in Katy Widrick’s session at FitBloggin’ last week and I am basically obsessed.  What is it?  It’s an editorial calendar that syncs up to your blog and social profiles so you can write your post then schedule tweets and other social shares right there!! It also shows you how well your posts are performing, allows you to color code, set up draft posts, and SO many other amazing things that make blogging take up a smidge less time 🙂  If you haven’t tried it yet, there is a free 14 day trial that I highly recommend (<–referral link!).

coschedule via treble in the kitchen

  • 4th of July Celebrations.  I mentioned it above, but I have been working my little butt off in my dietetics program.  While I am absolutely LOVING the labs and the coursework, it is very time consuming so I am looking forward to a weekend of relaxation without school.
  • Great customer service at Whole Foods!  I was in line to check out and when it was my turn at the check out counter, I realized I forgot my wallet in the car.  The man checking me out kindly let me run (literally!) to the car to get my wallet and when I got back in the store he had all my items bagged and all I had to do was swipe.  There were even people in line behind me and they were all super understanding and nice 🙂
  • RocksBox

I have been wearing these earrings

rocksbox via treble in the kitchen

I plan on doing another full recap of the goodies I received this month, but in the mean time check out last month’s post OR go to Rocksbox and use the code trebleinthekitchenxoxo to get a free month 🙂

  • My recipe modification lab project!! 🙂  I’ll share the results with all of you, but I have been scientifically healthifying a recipe and loving every second of it!

Tara RD lab

Posts I Have Loved:

And the last thing I want to mention…

What is Treble in the Kitchen to You?

  • I’ve been thinking about this question a lot lately as I try to make TITK the best it can possible be and I would love to know what this blog is to you.
  • What are some words to describe TITK, why do you read, what do you think of when you think of my blog, etc…can you comment below or shoot me an e-mail letting me know?  Thanks so much for all of your support!! It means so much to me 🙂

Have a wonderful 4th of July!! 🙂

Puppy pic because I had to!


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  1. To me this blog is a way to get healthy ideas for recipes, workouts and ideas of things to do in Denver. I have lived here most of my life and your adventures such as a guided bike tour sounds amazing and posts like that energize me to explore all the many options available. Also love the food reviews and of being a fellow dog lover pics of Bernie are always a hit. Have a happy anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Aren’t you loving Colorado!? When we moved West a few months ago it was pretty much between Oregon, Utah, or Colorado. Colorado was super hard to pass up! Everything is so beautiful there. To answer your question…when I think about TITK I think “positivity”. You are always so positive on your blog and It is very refreshing! I know I can always smile when reading your posts!

    • We LOVE Colorado 🙂 Thanks so much for the feedback and support!! It is so appreciated 🙂

  3. Handheld water bottles definitely make a big difference when running, and I can only imagine it being more important in your elevation! Great job with your workouts this week, and happy anniversary!

  4. Happy (early saying it today, I guess?) anniversary! The bike tour sounds like such a great way to celebrate rather than just eat out. I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun.
    Enjoy your relaxed weekend!