Five Things Friday 6.5.2015

Happy Friday!

While I am happy it’s Friday, my weekend actually started on Wednesday this week ๐Ÿ™‚ ย My parents drove into Denver from Indiana on Saturday so we have been visiting and doing so many fun things! ย Yesterday, Brian and I drove to meet them in Breckenridge where we are staying for a few days to enjoy a little mini vacation away from home.


Despite snow on the mountains, the sun is bright and hot! ย We are thoroughly enjoying our time here ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • A bowl from Zeal with brown rice, shrimp, and roasted veggies. ย I didn’t get sauce because none of the options were FODMAP friendly, but the bowl still tasted 100% amazing! ย There were roasted radishes in there…have you ever had a cooked radish? ย Amazing ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Banana “Ice Cream” from Ba-Nom-a-Nom….a food truck that serves Banana “ice cream!” ย So amazing!

Pearl Street Farmer's Market via Treble in the Kitchen

Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps Kate Scarlata

Thai Chicken Burger low FODMAP via Treble in the Kitchen

  • This Asian-style noodle bowl! ย Mom made it FODMAP friendly and it is so delicious. ย Brown rice quinoa noodles are topped with grilled chicken marinated in tamari among other things then topped with peanuts and this light cucumber, bell pepper salad. ย So good!

Five Workouts I Did:

This has been a lighter week in terms of fitness, but that’s ok! ย I’m having fun, moving my body and spending time with family.

  • Taught Bodypump
  • Hiking


  • Walking Bernie
  • 3 mile Run
  • Planning on doing a little workout in the resort gym tomorrow morning…not sure yet!

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Visiting with my family! It is so fun to have them around (we haven’t visited since Christmas!) and we are doing so many fun things. ย Yesterday, we visited the Country Boy Mine in Breckenridge and actually got to go deep into a mine!! So cool.

Country Boy Mine

  • Beginning my RD program. ย My actual program begins on Monday and I really can’t believe it! ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Sunshine! ย I feel like it rained for a solid month, which I hear is pretty rare out here in CO. ย I am so thankful the sun is shining and it is starting to feel like summer.
  • Hiking. ย I love that summer is officially hiking season. ย I have really missed hitting the trails!
  • My family meeting Bernie!! Of course I am in love with him, but my family seems to be pretty enamored with the little nugget too.

I haven’t done much blog reading this week, so I don’t really have anything to share in the “posts I have loved section.” ย I hope your week was great and your weekend is fantastic!

  • Share something with me about your week!

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  1. I’ve always wanted to make my way out to Colorado… I love the weather y’all have! And I live for frozen banana slices so I can only imagine how much I would love banana ice cream! Hope you have a fabulous Friday! : )

    • You must come, Jamie! It’s pretty darn amazing out here! And if you haven’t tried banana fro ice cream you must! So delicious and easy to make at home ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I love that picture of you with the snowy mountains in the back – Colorado is gorgeous!! I am moving into a house this week so that’s been the most exciting thing for me. Happy weekend Tara ๐Ÿ™‚