How I Create a Healthy Work Space

Hey guys!

Today, I want to talk about creating a healthy work environment.  This is something I get e-mailed about quite a bit, so I figured if enough people are e-mailing me about being healthy at work then I should probably just write a post that everyone can read!

How I Create a Healthy Work Space via Treble in the Kitchen

Right now, I am working from home as I complete my prerequisites to my Registered Dietitian program.  When I begin my RD program in June, I will also be taking classes from home.  Despite being at home, I still make sure to create a healthy work environment that will fuel my productivity.  I honestly feel like it’s even more important that I create an inviting and healthy space while completing work at home because it’s so darn easy to get distracted by anything (laundry, dusting, vacuuming, playing with Bernie, etc).

Below, I’ve outlined five things I do to create my healthy work space:

1.  I keep my work space tidy. 

How I Create a Healthy Work Space via Treble in the Kitchen

This is very important to me because if I have a ton of papers, laundry, dog toys or whatever laying around while I am trying to get work done it will stress me out.  We all know that stress is not healthy, so I find it’s important to do what I can to minimize stress within my work environment.

2.  I make sure to have healthy snacks on hand. 

How I Create a Healthy Work Space via Treble in the Kitchen

Being at home makes it very easy to simply run to the fridge when the hunger monster calls, so I always make sure to have freshly chopped veggies, fruit, hard boiled eggs, and raw nuts available to help give me a little extra brain power when I need it.

3.  I am always drinking and refilling my water bottle. 

How I Create a Healthy Work Space via Treble in the Kitchen

I received this Klean Kanteen water bottle from my aunt for Christmas and absolutely love it! It’s insulated so it keeps my drinks SUPER cold (which I love!).  If I finish the bottle, I make sure to get up right away to refill it.  It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day, and staying hydrated really helps me feel sharp and on point so that I can maximize the time that I have to get things done.

4.  I make sure to take breaks in my work day to walk my dog. 

How I Create a Healthy Work Space via Treble in the Kitchen

Now, I realize not everyone has a pup to walk but you can easily take a walk outside without the dog!  I love that taking Bernie for walks outside helps to break up my day by getting time outside, getting extra movement into my daily routine, and getting to spend quality time with my puppy.  It’s amazing!  Since making a conscious effort to get outside and walk Bernie a couple of times a day, hitting that 10,000 mark on my fitbit has been a cinch!!

5.  I use essential oils to help me focus and stay positive. 

How I Create a Healthy Work Space via Treble in the Kitchen

Recently, I ordered this mini essential oil diffuser so that I could reap the benefits of some super yummy smelling essential oils.  Two of my favorites are peppermint and eucalyptus.  I typically add about 10 drops of each with a little water to the diffuser for a scent that promotes a positive attitude, helps me stay focused,  and keeps my energy levels up.  The scent is refreshing and invigorating 🙂

Your Turn!

  • I’d love to hear how you guys keep it healthy at work (whether at home, office, school or otherwise!).
  • If you use essential oils, what are some that you like to use?  I’m pretty new to this whole essential oil thing!

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  1. I am new to using essential oils too! I made a peppermint/ lemon sugar scrub that I use in the shower. So awesome for moisturizing and waking me up. I use lavendar and cedarwood for sleep. It’s very calming.
    I definitely need to work on my home office 🙁 The paper piles are never ending!! Electronic files are much easier to manage!

  2. I think if I worked at home with a puppy I’d just want to play with him all day long 🙂
    My Polar watch buzzes at me after sitting for an hour so I try to get up and do a lap of my floor, or refill my water bottle so I’m never stitting for too long.

  3. Thanks for the tips! I just started working from home and I am trying to get into the swing of things! Taking breaks is the hardest part for me but I know it’s so important! I have never tried essential oils but have heard a lot of good things about it!

  4. I love this! I work from home 1+ times a week and really struggle with motivation. I’ll have to implement some of your suggestions! I’ve heard a lot about oil diffusers lately, so I’ll have to check them out 🙂 I would love more information about the benefits and more scent combinations!