Weekend Pics + Meals for the Week

Hey guys!

Sorry I left ya hanging on Friday without a Five Things Friday post.  I got home late from the gym due to horrible traffic, spent over an hour on the phone with internet people because our connection was SO slow, and well then I had to study! But I’m here now with some fun pics from the week, weekend, things making me happy AND the weekly meal plan 🙂

Our weekend was SUPER chill.  Saturday consisted of puppy school (Bernie is doing so well!), a fitness and music training sesh with the Rhythm Revolution (I’ll give a more detailed recap later this week!), grocery shopping, and a dinner from the Whole Foods salad bar (my fav!!).

Bernie being “teacher’s pet” at puppy school (pun intended).


Off to Rhythm Revolution…

Rhythm Revolution Training | Tara

Rhythm Revolution Training | Tara

Whole Foods dinner…

whole foods

Sunday we had brunch with Erin and Kent, studied, and got ready for the week.  It was a great weekend, but we really didn’t do anything too crazy and I am ok with that 🙂

Brunch at Erin's

Erin and Tara

Since I didn’t share on Friday, I thought I’d share my favorite links from around the web with ya today too!

And to finish things out, here is a look at what Brian and I will be eating this week:


  • Taco Salad
  • Tortilla Chicken Soup (recipe coming soon!) and salad

soup and salad

Paleo Pad Thai

  • Chicken and Zucchini Skillet


  • Avocado chicken salad sandwiches, veggies and hummus, apple for Brian
  • Salads with greens and lots of veggies and hard boiled eggs for me


Coconut Flour Pancakes via Treble in the Kitchen

  • Love Grown Oats
  • Veggie Egg Scramble and fruit


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  1. I love the pictures of Bernie!! When I was looking for a dog, I really wanted a vizsla, but saw Selma at the dog shelter where I volunteer and had to get her. Sometimes you just know!

    Hope you have a great week!!