Five Things Friday 2.6.2015

Hi!  Happy Happy Friday!

This weekend, Brian and I are laying pretty low and spending lots of time with this guy…


I have some studying to do because we have some fun visitors coming next weekend and I want to get ahead of the game so I don’t have to worry or stress out about getting things done while they are here, we have our first puppy school class and that is pretty much about it.  🙂  Should be nice and relaxing!

How about a little five things friday?

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps Kate Scarlata

These were very flavorful and super easy to make.  Also, I had a lot of fun working with a new-to-me veggie…Bok Choy! 🙂  We will for sure be making this meal again.

Asain Chicken Lettuce Wraps

healthy chocolate cupcake

  • Veggies for breakfast!  A friend (fellow blogger and fit girl!) and I are doing a little accountability challenge during the month of February to honor and love our bodies called the Love Your Body Challenge.  This week we are eating veggies for breakfast!

I had kale and spinach in my eggs.


And I put spinach in my coconut flour pancakes!  All I did was put the pancake mix in the blender and add spinach.  Super simple and you can’t taste it!


  • Lunch time salad (per usual…)

lunch salad

taco salad

Five Workouts I Did:

  • Teach Bodypump
  • Boot Camp
  • Tabata
  • Indoor cycling
  • LOTS of playing and walking with Bernie 🙂

Five Things Making Me Happy:

puppy treat bag

We are really working with Bernie ALL. THE. TIME. so that he is obedient and polite, so having this bag full of doggie kibble at all times is super convenient!  It looks a little goofy when, because it is literally like a fanny pack but it’s super practical 🙂

stella and dot

A friend of mine hosted an online trunk show and I won these cute everyday studs!  I seriously love them and the Stella & Dot packaging.

stella and dot

Mystery Mascara #curlpower

I really love how it lifts my lashes, separates them, and adds lots of curl and volume without clumping.  I’m not sure what brand of mascara this is just yet, but I will be sure to let you know once I find out.  I have been wearing it all week and loving it.

Mystery Mascara #curlpower

  • Bernie!!! OMG he just makes me (and Brian) so happy!




Dandizette Magazine

Dandizette Magazine

Posts I Have Loved This Week:

I hope you all have an amazing weekend 🙂

I’ll be back later today with something fun for this year’s awards season!!  Anyone hosting a grammy’s party??

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    • Thanks, Megan!! It is a Coach purse that my mother in law purchased like 20 years ago…they don’t have the exact same thing but they have many similar items now 🙂

  1. Your puppy is so cute! 🙂

    That mascara looks great. Can’t wait to find out what it is, so I can try it! I’m always searching for a good mascara.

  2. I am a month early for this but your spinach pancakes would be great for St. Patrick’s Day! A much healthier alternative to food dye 🙂 Bernie is so stinkin’ cute. I’m so excited for coconut milk at Starbucks!