Food Prep Party!

On Sundays, I typically spend a bit of time in the kitchen chopping veggies, making chicken, cooking hardboiled eggs, preparing breakfast sandwiches for Brian and other things that I call “food prep” that may help speed up the cook time of meals and snacks throughout the week.

This past weekend, I decided to put a fun twist on things and host a food prep party!

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

I invited a few of my girlfriends over to help me chop veggies, cook quinoa, shred chicken, and make some homemade trail mix.  We divided everything by four so we each got to take home a TON of healthy eats for the week.  Seriously, the amount of food we prepped was impressive, it all took about one hour AND I got to have fun with my girlfriends.  Sounds like a win, win, win if you ask me 😉

Recently, I was invited by Walmart Grocery (their new home delivery service!) to collaborate with them while hosting an event. My food prep party was JUST the event I needed a delivery grocery service for!

Being in school, teaching group fitness, working as a nanny part time, maintaining this blog, AND having a social life keeps me pretty busy, but this year I am really trying to prioritize friend time so taking assistance everywhere I can get it really helps.  Having the groceries delivered for this party was seriously perfect.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

I placed my order online on Wednesday.  I was very impressed that I was able to select the brands of products that I wanted, organic produce, and high quality chicken all from the convenience of my kitchen table.  The delivery was scheduled to arrive on Saturday between 11am and 1pm, and about 15 minutes before the refrigerated delivery truck came I received a phone call letting me know my groceries were on the way!

There was only one thing on my order that they were not able to fulfill…the eggs!

Walmart To Go Review via Treble in the Kitchen


Instead of delivering two 18 count packages of Cage Free eggs, they delivered one 12 count package of Eggland’s Best Cage Free eggs.   As you can see…I was a little short on eggs for my party.  No worries though!  They did not charge me for what I did not receive, and I have a wonderful husband who ran to the store to pick up the missing eggs 🙂

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

All of the groceries arrived in plastic Walmart grocery bags.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

The ordering and delivery process was seriously painless…now all I had to do was prep for my party all about prepping!

Food Prep Party

The morning of the party, I washed and dried all of the vegetables (broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, and celery) and laid them out with labels letting the girls know who would be cutting what.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Before the girls arrived, I cooked all of the hardboiled eggs in my Krups egg cooker so they had time to cool.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

I set out the quinoa and wrote out cooking instructions just in case!

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

The night before the party, I put several chicken breasts in the crock pot with 2 cups of homemade vegetable stock and I let them cook on low until the girls arrived.  When they arrived, I assigned one girl to shred the chicken with forks and divide it into four containers so we could all have some chicken for the week.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Another thing I did before the girls arrived was set all of the trail mix ingredients in a large bowl for easy mixing.  Our trail mix included walnuts, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate chips, and raisins.  Easy and delish!

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

That would be me just checking on the chicken before the girls arrived!

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

As soon as Liz, Erin (Erin used Walmart Grocery in the past and had a really successful experience with it too!), and Marisa (from Uproot from Oregon!) arrived I explained that every food item had a little recipe card with their name and prepping instructions.  Once the food was prepped (cooked, shredded, chopped, etc) they were to divide the tasty food up into four plastic containers.

Liz and I started by chopping some veggies.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Looks like Marisa said something really funny 😉

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Just prepping away in the kitchen.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

The finished products:

Shredded chicken.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Chopped veggies for snacking, lunches, or to use in recipes later in the week.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Trail mix.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Baked sweet potatoes.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen


Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

And there were unpictured hardboiled eggs.

Just check out all of that food…prepped in one hour!

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Each girl grabbed a bag and loaded it up with the yummy goodies.

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

We had so much fun kicking off our Sunday with some food prep action.  It was great to have the company of good friends, and I loved that the prep was so speedy!

Food Prep Party via Treble in the Kitchen

Another awesome thing was that all of that food (minus the eggs) was a whopping $66.81.  Divide that by four and each girl took home:

  • chopped carrots, celery, bell pepper, and broccoli
  • homemade trail mix
  • shredded chicken
  • baked sweet potatoes
  • quinoa

for less than $20!  So, not only was this little party fun and productive, but it was pretty darn cost-effective too.

Before I end this post, I wanted to let you guys know about an awesome promotion Walmart Grocery is running right now. If you are on the fence about trying Walmart Grocery To Go, now when you sign up using THIS LINK you will get $15 off your next purchase!  Obviously, I had a great first experience with Walmart Grocery To Go and I honestly plan on using this service in the future.

Full disclosure, as part of the this promo I will also get $15 towards my account…so there is a little selfish motivation behind this, but I was super impressed with Walmart’s new delivery service and I can’t wait to use it again and continue to recommend it to other people.  AND you guys get $15 too!! Just sharing the love 🙂

Walmart paid for the supplies at the party, but I did not receive compensation otherwise.  All opinions are my own–AND if you want to have a food prep party you totally should! It was so fun!

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  1. Random fun tidbit: my hometown where I was born and raised (and still live very close to) is Bentonville, AR. AKA home of Walmart. 🙂 And this is such a great idea! Totally pinning this to keep in mind for the future when I finally move in with my fiance and we can have space to host an event like this.

  2. Loved the post, Tara! I need to start getting better at setting aside time to meal prep. This was great motivation!

    • Thanks, Candice!! If you have any questions about jumping on food prep train let me know! I’m always happy to help 🙂

    • If you If you have the Walmart to Go service in your area, I recommend it! The first time is free and after that I think it’s like 5 bucks!

  3. What a fabulous idea! Looks so fun and productive, the note cards are a cute touch! You ladies look adorable in your aprons btw! 🙂

  4. Hey Tara,

    The food prep party sounds like an amazing idea! Just as a heads up – you might want to remove/blur out your address from the Walmart order pic 🙂