Life Updates: Stop Wishing. Start Doing.

As I write this post I am sipping on a HUGE smoothie that is kind of sludge colored that tastes absolutely fabulous.


This smoothie is:

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 2/3 cup frozen cherries
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 big handful of spinach
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tsp instant coffee<—NEEDED this today!
  • 1 scoop Perfect Fit Protein Powder

OK, but let’s be real…today I’m not blogging to tell you all about my delicious smoothie. Β I’ve got some major life things going on and I think it’s about time I shared these exciting updates with all of you. Β Don’t worry…they are GOOD changes πŸ™‚

My goodness, this post has been coming for quite some time…

I am officially going back to school to become a Registered DietitianΒ and I could not be more excited! (ok, and a little scared!)

Every Great Thing...


Right now, I have quite a few prerequisite courses to take, so I am currently taking Medical Terminologies, Chemistry 1, and Biology 1, and I just finished my Fundamentals of Nutrition course. Β If all goes as planned, I will be enrolled in a distance dietetics program beginning summer 2015. Β Crazy.

going back to school

It’s no secret that I have a passion for health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition and for me this passion is not something new. Β I consider myself pretty fortunate when I say that this passion started early in life when I was in the 8th grade and worked on a research project devoted to childhood obesity. Β A fire lit upΒ inside of me at that moment and it hasn’t dimmed. Β I loved the research involved in the project, I loved helping people, I loved educating others, I loved seeing changes being made, and I loved promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. Β While I love health and wellness I also consider myself very fortunate to have more than just that passion. Β Music has always been a huge part of my life and I honestly can’t live without it. Β I studied music during undergrad, which is why I have so many prerequisite courses to take to get me squared away for the dietetics program.

I’ll admit, that at first when I toyed with the idea of going BACK to school, I felt a little bit like a failure…Harsh I know, but I have always been successful, a planner, someone who has her ducks in a row so the thought of going back to school for something completely different than what I initially studied made me feel like I made the wrong choice the first time around…I was a little embarrassed. Β I enjoyed my previous jobs and learned valuable lessons, but they weren’t fulfilling in the way I dream of being fulfilled. Β There are so many thoughts, goals, and dreams rushing through my head ALL. THE. TIME. in regards to what I want to do when I am an RD that I couldn’t just “suck it up” and tell the voices to be quiet. Β I knew I had to put the embarrassment aside and commit to my decision to pursue my dreams.Β Β After thinking about this decision for the past couple of years (yes, I’m a planner and a thinker) I have come to realize that I couldn’t have been moreΒ wrong about the way I was choosing to think about my decision to go back to school.

stop wishing start doing



My passion for music makes me who I am, and I would not take back those years of studying music history, music theory, and practicing my aural skills (sorry for the music jargon). Β After having a few years of practical experience from the working world under my belt I am SO excited to dive into this new chapter of life. Β I can’t wait to see where the journey takes me πŸ™‚

go confidently in the direction of your dreams


Another fear of mine with this decision is that people will just think I’m simply jumping on the bandwagon. I know I shouldn’t care what people think, but I do! I am aware that there are a ton of blogging RDs out there, and I look up to each and every one of them. And guess what, they all have a slightly different approach and a slightly different message. Β I’m not doing this to crowd out any voices that are already there. Β My goal is to add to this wonderful community, add my voice, add my opinion to the conversation, and add my positivity to an industry that is ever-changing and needs to be shared. Β I feel that everyone in health, nutrition, fitness, etc is bringing something totally unique to the table because WE are all unique and we connect with people in different ways. Β So in my opinion, the more the merrier πŸ™‚

This quote from Danielle Laporte really resonated with me when making my decision to go back to school:

“You will always be too much of something for someone: Β too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. Β If you round out your edges, you lose your edge. Β Apologize for mistakes. Β Apologize for unintentionally hurting someone–profusely. Β But don’t apologize for being who you are.” Β Danielle Laporte

I love blogging, I love what this blog has become, and I love what it will grow into. Β I can’t wait to see the changes and progress. Β I can’t wait to learn, learn, learn because I have SO many questions and I feel like the MORE I learn the MORE questions I have. Β I can’t wait to finally know some answers and feel confident in sharing and educating all of you. Β The science behind nutrition and fitness is so fascinating to me, so I really can’t wait to dig deep and get dirty with this stuff.

My life right now is completely different than what it was in Indianapolis, but I am very at peace and totally loving it. Β I feel much less stressed and I am so happy to be doing all the things I love to do.

Here is what I’m doing now:

  • Studying for Medical Terminology, Bio, and Chem during the day (and some nights and weekends…)
  • Teaching group fitness classes at an amazing fitness center (Just taught my first class yesterday!)
  • Nannying part-time for a family where I get to help provide healthy dinners during the week (so fun!)
  • Blogging (still working on the whole blog schedule while studying thing…)
  • Singing with the Holiday Party SingersΒ 

That last bullet point is something else I want to share with you. Β Last week, I was feeling a little downΒ becauseΒ that music piece of my life was missing. Β I did a little googling and found an audition for last Saturday for the Denver Holiday Party Singers…I auditioned and they picked me to sing with them! Β I seriously couldn’t be more ecstatic!!! πŸ™‚

Holiday Party Singers


I feel so fortunateΒ and thankfulΒ right now to be doing all the things I love to do while experiencing an amazing new city and making the best new friends all with my wonderful husband. Β The blog may not be updated as regularly as you were used to in the past (I am hoping for a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday schedule), but I promise I won’t be going anywhere.

I hope you all have an amazing Wednesday πŸ™‚

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  1. This is so awesome!!! I recently decided to go back to school also to get an MS in Nutritional Science and become a Registered Dietitian. It’s going to take a long time, especially sincey BA is in English so I have to get some science prerequisites out of the way, but I think it’s worth it to do something you really love! Wishing you the best of luck. Love this blog and love it even more now that we have the same goal. πŸ˜‰

    • Congrats on your decision too!! I feel ya on getting the pre-reqs done…seems like a never ending journey but there IS an end it sight!!! Thanks so much for reading and good luck to you too!

  2. Congratulations on starting this new chapter! I have no doubt you will be incredible, and you will find a way to balance all the crazy (and exciting!) things you have going on πŸ™‚

  3. Ah I am going through a very similar decision right now. It is so. so hard to not worry about what other people think…it’s just the world we live in. But at the end of the day it’s about what sparks the fire in you and lights you up. Congrats on making such a fantastic life decision! And I love that quote from Danielle Laporte!

  4. Tara,

    Hello! I do not think we have ever officially met – but I used to live in Indy and worked out at NIFS, so I happened upon your blog and have been loving it. I recently decided to start my own blog for fun too (I now live in Ann Arbor because my husband is doing his orthopedic residency here for 5 years).

    Anyways – I also just decided to go back to school to be an RD too (I am taking Human Anatomy currently …)! I am still working full-time and only taking one pre-req at a time … so I have a long drawn out path in front of me … but I know it will be worth it!

    I would love love love to connect and chat about what distance learning program you are considering and all of the logistical details sometime.

    Please email!

  5. So incredibly excited for you (and inspired by you as well!) I know you are going to be a fantastic RD, and I’m so excited to follow along with your journey. I always like to say that we only get so many trips around the sun, and we might as well make them worthwhile, and do what we love πŸ™‚

  6. Awesome! Wishing you the very best! Love reading your blog and can’t wait to hear as you progress on your journey. Where are you teaching class? Would love to try it sometime. Congrats!

    • Thanks, Sue!! I am teaching at the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center on Tuesdays at noon πŸ™‚ Would love it if you came out!

  7. Yay for school! Becoming a dietician has always been a far-off dream for me, but I opted to take my undergrad in kinesiology. I’ll be looking forward to your posts about what you take away from school πŸ™‚ You got this girl! πŸ˜€

  8. Congrats on all of your new journeys! Also, this is crazy, but I totally went to college with one of the guys in that singers photo! Super small world!

  9. I’m so happy for you Tara!!! What an incredible and exciting time in your life! I can’t wait to follow along and see how everything unfolds- you are amazing!!!

  10. Congratulations Tara! Such an exciting adventure. I recently decided to pursue the same path and am heading into my second quarter of prerequisites. Best of luck!