Five Things Friday 8.8.2014

Good morning!

Brian and I are officially Denver residents and have been enjoying the Colorado life with his parents all week. We worked hard through the beginning of the week to make sure the apartment was put together and ready to go.  That meant several trips to stores like Ikea, TJ Maxx, Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, and Walmart.  By Wednesday, we were all pretty sick of shopping and just ready to be done, so it feels amazing to actually have the apartment set up and ready to live in.

Today is our last day exploring Denver with Brian’s parents.  We have had such a great week with them and we are so thankful and happy they were around to help us get our apartment put together quickly.  Tomorrow, Brian and I are running the Neon Dash and Sunday we may hang out with some of the people that are in his residency program.

I hope you all had an amazing week and have fun weekend plans too!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • A delicious dinner of salmon, spinach with chickpeas, homemade potato salad, caprese, and corn made by the Carpenter’s on our midway pit stop as we made the trek out to Denver.  It was amazing to spend time at their home, get a good meal and a good night’s rest.

dinner at the carpenter's

  • Dinner at the Whole Foods bar.  There is a Whole Foods right around the corner from us and I have a feeling that on nights when Brian and I don’t want to cook the Whole Foods bar will be our go-to 🙂

dinner at whole foods bar

  • I had the best almond milk latte ever from a little coffee shop called Thump that is right down the street.  Not only do they have delicious coffee, but they have HUGE tables and free wifi.  I can definitely see myself working on blog projects there when I need to change the scenery and get out of the house.

almond milk latte at Thump

  • Smoked salmon and greens with beans from Ikea.  Earlier this week, we went to Ikea and wanted to have the FULL experience which included eating lunch there.  I was so impressed with the food options!  My meal included this delicious smoked salmon and greens and Brian enjoyed a Southwestern chicken wrap with french fries and a fountain drink…both of our meals together were cheaper than if we would have eaten at Panera!  So delicious and affordable.

lunch at ikea

  • I am an ice cream lover through and through, so we had to check out a local ice cream shop a couple of blocks from our apartment called Liks.  The line was out the door, but the ice cream was totally worth the wait.  I had the Cheesman Park which was like strawberry cheesecake and the Chocolate Peanut Butter.  Brian had a chocolate milkshake that was perfection!

ice cream at lik's

Five Workouts:

Because of all the traveling, unpacking, site seeing, etc this week has been a little off when it comes to workouts, but that’s ok!  Next week I am excited to check out some fitness centers and hopefully set up some auditions for teaching.

  • Running
  • Walking
  • Moving (it’s harder than you think 😉 )
  • Outdoor Running Circuit

While I was taking it easy in the workout department this week, I did manage to create a little Outdoor Running Circuit to add a little variety and get some strength training in while running outside.

Outdoor Running Circuit Workout

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Finally being in Denver! Brian and I found out we were moving in December, so it has been a long wait to get here.  I am thankful we had a good 7 months to plan and say our goodbyes, but it really does feel good and exciting to be here in Denver so we can start to establish ourselves and get some sort of routine going.
  • Hosting our first dinner party!

dinner party in Denver

We have friends that live in our apartment building on our floor that helped us move into our apartment, so we had them over for dinner on Wednesday night to thank them and spend time with them.  I’m so excited for more nights like that 🙂

  • Exploring Denver.  Yesterday, we explored Estes Park and it was absolutely beautiful!! I still can’t believe that we live so close to beautiful mountains!!

Estes Park

Estes Park

Estes Park

  • Our outdoor balcony!! I love dining al fresco and love being outside as much as possible, so when I found out our apartment had a decent sized balcony I could not wait to get it set up for living outside.  I know Brian and I are going to be spending LOTS of time out there 🙂

outdoor balcony denver

  • Friends and family making plans to visit us in Denver!  I know that we just got here and Brian’s family has not even left yet, but I love that some of our friends and family have already purchased tickets to come visit.  It definitely helps being far from home and having something like that to look forward to.

Blog Posts I Have Loved:

OK, so there hasn’t been much blog reading going on around here, but there are two blog posts I wanted to share with you!

What have you been doing this week!?

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  1. You seriously do not need a guide at all – you guys have already done some of my favorite neighborhood things! I love Lik’s, Thump, and the Whole Foods hot bar. When you’re ready for a fancy dinner, the farm to table restaurant Potager is my favorite in all of Denver and luckily walking distance from my place and likely yours!