A Big Bunch of Kale and My Weekly Plan

Hi! I hope you had a great weekend!

Here are some pictures from our weekend…

Brian bought me a BIG bunch of kale at the farmer’s market this week, so I made sure to incorporate it into as many meals as possible 🙂


Friday night, Brian and I ate the most delicious kale salad–kale, tempeh, strawberries, onions, homemade cinnamon roasted nuts, and a dressing of dijon mustard mixed with white wine vinegar and a touch of olive oil.  Mmmm!

kale salad

This weekend, we puppy-sat Brian’s parent’s dog Wiley.  She LOVED hanging out with me in the kitchen 🙂

tara and wiley in the kitchen

Saturday morning run…first run post-half marathon and it felt good!


Another meal full of kale…kale wraps for dinner–shrimp, spinach, sprouts, avocado, roasted zucchini, dijon mustard (love that stuff!), and tomato.  These were amazing!

kale wrap

kale wrap

Brian’s wrap…I put his kale inside a flatout rollup up, but still equally as delicious!

dinner wrap

dinner wrap

Post-dinner walk.

tara walk with wiley

A little veggie burger food prep action…

veggie burger food prep

Puppy snuggle time.

brian and wiley

We stopped at Subzero on Saturday night for an ice cream treat.  I got the almond milk with dark chocolate chunks and Brian got the ice cream base in cake batter flavor with cookie dough…they were both delish, but his was seriously amazing!


Now for my weekly meal and workout plan.  

Some of you have been sending me messages asking how I plan my meals and workouts, so I thought it may be helpful for me to post the weekly plan on the blog for all to see!

With my schedule right now, I typically make my meal plan and grocery list on Thursday night for the upcoming week and Brian does the grocery shopping for me on Friday during the day.  I then go into the weekend and do little bits of food prep (like chopping veggies, making a larger meal so there are leftovers for later in the week, etc) throughout the weekend.  While I love grocery shopping, my schedule doesn’t really allow for that right now, so luckily I have Brian to help out!


Friday–Kale salad with tempeh (strawberries, kale, roasted nuts, onion tempeh, dijon dressing)

Saturday–Wraps with kale and veggies on the side (wraps include, avocado, shrimp, sprouts, tomato, roasted squash)

Sunday–Baked salmon with roasted asparagus and green beans (make extra salmon for meals later in the week)

Monday–Curry Butternut Squash Soup (made this on Sunday night, so Brian can just reheat on Monday since I get home very late)

Tuesday–Baked salmon salad (use salmon from Sunday and include sweet potato, tomatoes, avocado, onion, kale, and romaine in the salad)

Wednesday–Chickpea lentil burgers with portobello bun

Thursday–Salmon stuffed bell peppers (use salmon from Sunday)

Friday–Wing it/finish off leftovers

Lunches–salads with lots of toppings x3, mayo-free tuna salad with veggies x2


What I made ahead of time during food prep:

  • Roasted sweet potato pieces
  • Baked salmon
  • Chickpea lentil burgers
  • Curry butternut squash soup
  • Chopped veggies
  • Frittata
  • Hardboiled eggs
  • Muffins for Brian’s breakfast/snacks


Monday–Teach Bodypump and CXWORX

Tuesday–HIT Class, Teach CXWORX

Wednesday–Indoor cycling


Friday–Half hour Bodycombat, Barbell club?

Saturday–Yoga or early morning run?


So that is what our week will look like! Of course, these plans are “subject to change” but it always helps me feel more organized going into the week with some sort of plan…even if it totally gets flip-flopped around 🙂

Your Turn!

  • Do you like seeing my weekly plan?
  • Did you do any meal prep this weekend?
  • Share a highlight from your weekend!
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  1. That salad looks awesome – love tempeh mixed with those add-ins! I need to start cooking more fish, your salmon ideas sound delicious. I think veggie burger prep will happen this week so I have some yummy extras to store in the freezer!

  2. Thanks for sharing your weekly plan, Tara! It is amazing! I almost do the same thing especially for my work out, it basically makes me more motivated and I do enjoy putting a check mark for each after it is done! 😉

  3. First, that salad sounded amazing! Next, that dog is adorable and those orange pants are awesome. Looks like a good weekend to me 🙂

  4. I think weekly plans are great and give people lots of ideas! I stopped posting mine because I just felt like I didn’t have the time. You also prepped up a storm… so awesome 🙂 happy monday girly!