Five Things Friday 5.16.2014

After two big weekends with the mini marathon Brian’s graduation celebration, this weekend is actually pretty low-key.

I’ve got a couple of crafty things I’ll be working on tonight and tomorrow, some fun blog stuff to set up and other fun/productive things that I need to knock off my to-do list.

Should be a great weekend!

Now for some Five Things Friday 🙂

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • This is what my mom and I call “summer drink.”  It’s just sparking water with lime, and maybe a splash of cranberry.  It’s so refreshing and the perfect thing to have after dinner in the evening 🙂  I had it twice this week!

summer drink

breakfast oats

  • An overloaded baked sweet potato.  Brian and I had TONS of leftovers from his graduation party fajita bar, so I loaded up a sweet potato with fajita veggies, black beans, salsa, tomato, guacamole, and lettuce and it made the most amazing dinner.

stuffed baked sweet potato dinner

  • I didn’t make a frittata for breakfast this week, so my breakfasts were different almost every single day!  One day I had 2 hardboiled eggs, half a sweet potato, and strawberries and blueberries topped with homemade pecan butter.


  • I mixed this black bean dip with tuna and veggies to make a tuna salad and I also ate it on it’s own with raw veggies…so yummy!Clean and Simple Black Bean Dip via Treble in the Kitchen

Five Workouts:

  • Bodypump
  • Kettlebells

I even have some kettlebell battle wounds!!


  • 20 min Tabata workout outside!! So fun 🙂

tabata workout

  • Yoga

Five Things Making Me Happy:

lunch bag

I am number 8!! Definitely made my week to see this!

tall girls buzzfeed

  • The new Marsh in downtown Indianapolis.  It is laid out very well, the staff is extremely helpful and welcoming, and when Brian and I visited we knew just about every other shopper in the store! The best part? When they didn’t have some items I was looking for (tempeh and organic, free-range chicken), they took down the items and told me they would order them so they would start carrying them!  How awesome is that?

marsh downtown indianapolis

marsh downtown indy


marsh downtown indy

Look at all of the Bob’s Red Mill products…basically I am in heaven in this store!

marsh downtown indianapolis

  • Brian and I get to dog-sit his parent’s dog this weekend 🙂
  • Getting crafty this weekend

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  1. Thanks for the share Tara 🙂 and I saw the Buzzfeed article… so cool! I definitely don’t have that problem haha. Loving all your eats (as per usual). I haven’t brought back too many beans/legumes since Whole 30 as I’m a bit nervous and feeling like “if it aint broke why fix it” but seeing your yummy dip and other bean dishes make me miss them. Have a great weekend! xo

    • I was a bit nervous at first, so I just paid attention to how I felt and I really still feel great eating the beans/legumes. I think that different things work for different people, so just do what feels right! Happy weekend!