Five Things Friday 5.2.2014

Happy Friday!

This is going to be a great weekend for so many reasons!

Tonight, Brian and I will be attending his Dental School Graduation Party, which is like a fancy wedding reception.  I can’t wait to dress up!  Tomorrow, my sister and I run the Indianapolis Mini Marathon, and tomorrow night Brian and I have a date night scheduled.  So much fun stuff going on!

That being said, last night I had full intentions of being SUPER productive so that I could enjoy the weekend….but my body had different plans.  The entire day yesterday, I was completely exhausted so around 8:30pm I started to get ready for bed and I was in bed by 9…and it felt great!  Hopefully, the extra sleep was just what I needed.

Now, it’s time for some Five Things Friday 🙂

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • I had overnight oats for the first time in MONTHS this morning and they were GOOD.  Totally hit the spot 🙂 Topped my oats with some blueberry, strawberry, and nuttzo!

overnight oats

  • This past weekend, my “batch” item was a batch of lentil chickpea veggie burgers.  They are so good! I was kind of “playing” around in the kitchen when I made them so I didn’t really write the recipe down, so I’m going to have to make them again because they turned out so well!

chickpea burger dinner

Dijon Dill Baked Salmon via Treble in the Kitchen

  • A simple meal made by Brian!! When I got home from my final Mini Marathon Training on Wednesday night, Brian had a meal of roasted broccoli and salmon with half of a baked sweet potato for me.  So tasty, and I was so thankful to not make dinner.

salmon dinner

  • Homemade Granola…I have been SO snacky this week.  Honestly, I think it’s because my body and mind are preparing for the half marathon tomorrow 🙂

mini marathon 2014

Five Workouts:

  • CXWORX–finally taught the new release!
  • Bodypump–finally taught the new release!
  • yoga
  • Final mini marathon training run…only 3 miles this week!
  • 20 min Tabata cardio

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Getting my NatureBox in the mail! Review coming soon!

Nature Box

Nature Box

  • Running the Mini Marathon with my sister tomorrow.  It’s going to be great and I can’t wait!

mini marathon 2014

mini marathon 2014

  • Justin Timberlake’s “It’s Gonna Be May!”  hahahaha I literally laugh out loud whenever I think about it 🙂

it's gonna be may

  • Date night with Brian 2 nights in a row! Tonight, we have the dental school dance and tomorrow we are going to Crackers Comedy Club…I hope the comedian is funny!! 🙂
  • New makeup! I am always in search of a better mascara and I saw Julie from Peanut Butter Fingers post about Almay’s Get Up and Grow Mascara.  I was in the need for a new tube, so I decided to give Almay a try! So far so good 🙂

almay get up and grow

Posts I Have Loved:

Previous Five Things Friday Posts:

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  1. I laughed so much at the JT May pic when you posted it on IG. It still makes me laugh now 🙂

    You’ve made me want to go out and get some of that mascara now too 😉

    I hope you had fun at the Dental Graduation. I also hope the mini marathon went well 🙂