Vacation Eats and Exercise

While Brian and I have been on vacation, we have been eating some pretty tasty foods!

My food philosophy on vacation is to allow myself to indulge when I truly want to, but not indulge just because “I’m on vacation.”  I have been eating very similar breakfasts and lunches to what I would normally eat and then going out for dinner.  I’d say the BIGGEST difference about my meals is that I am eating on REAL plates and not out of tupperware and I love it! This trip, most of my treats have been fun, vacationy cocktails and margaritas.

Here is a look at what I have been eating:


Sweet potato breakfast scramble with avocado and fruit topped with cashew butter.

spring break 2014

Scrambled eggs with spinach, salsa, avocado, sweet potato, and a side of fruit.

spring break 2014

spring break 2014

I even got a little smoothie action going on.

spring break 2014


Lunches have been a lot of snack plates and tuna salad.  A lot of my meals have gone unpicture, but here are the pics I have to share.

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Tuna salad wrapped in romaine…so good and perfect for taking to the beach!

spring break 2014


While we have gone out to dinner several nights, we did have a night where we stayed in and cooked some delicious fresh fish together.  So tasty and so fun.

We headed to Perdido Seafood and decided on grouper for our tasty fish dinner.  The staff was super friendly and very knowledgeable about the various types of fish they offered.

spring break 2014

spring break 2014

We each were responsible for a different portion of the meal and we ended up with fish, baked asparagus, salad and quinoa.  Everything was amazing!

The grouper was a thick, meaty fish similar to mahi-mahi (in my opinion) and had a very mild flavor that paired well with the lemon.

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I was in charge of the salad (my favorite part!) so I threw some greens and spinach together then added in strawberries, blueberries, onion, sunflower seeds, and pepitas.

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For the dressing, I whipped a dressing with avocado as the base and it was so good!

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I still want to add a couple of tweaks to the recipe before finalizing, but I promise this is one that will definitely be shared 🙂

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For dessert, I made a batch of Running with Spoons Flourless Double Chocolate Chip Muffins….so good!!! They were like little brownie bites.

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For our other meals, I basically just ordered a giant salad topped with fish.  The fish down here is SO good.  I’m so thankful I have been able to eat so much of it!

Sunset Grille.

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spring break 2014

The Shrimp Basket.

This would be me trying my first ever oyster…not too bad if ya ask me!

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spring break 2014

Last night, we headed to Vallarta for some Mexican cuisine.  The margaritas, chips and salsa were delicious (when are those things not delicious!?) and for my meal I ordered the shrimp fajitas.  Brian ate all of my sides with his tacos and I just ate the veggies and the shrimp.  Yum!

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spring break 2014


There is a small exercise room, but honestly I have been doing most of my exercise outdoors.

The first day we were here, it was absolutely pouring so I did my elliptical circuit workout.

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Since the first day, the weather has been great so I have been doing a lot of running outdoors and loving every second of it!

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We even managed to squeeze in a little beach yoga 🙂

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It was sooo windy, but so fun!

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spring break 2014

I couldn’t do yoga without a little headstand action.

spring break 2014

And that’s a peak at my week through food and exercise!

Question of the Day:

  • Do you try to fit in exercise while vacationing?
  • Do you eat different than normal while on vacation?

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