Five Things Friday 3.14.2014

Tomorrow Brian and I head out to Florida and we could not be more excited!

Brian is still in school and still gets all of those lovely breaks scattered throughout the year.  Next week is his spring break, and somehow he convinced me to go on spring break with him and some of our other friends who are in school with him.

At first, I was hesitant to say yes to joining in on their fun, but now I am so excited and I don’t think this break could have come at a better time 🙂

I have been so busy with work and other responsibilities that I haven’t even packed yet…and we leave tomorrow!! Wish me luck!

Here are my Five Things Friday hosted by Clare of Fitting it All In:

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

Honestly, I didn’t really eat many wild and crazy things this week.  Just simply, tasty, healthy food…out of tupperware 🙂

Breakfast was a frittata, apples with cinnamon and nutbutter, and sweet potato.

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Lunch:  Mayo-free tuna salad, veggies, apple

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Lunch: salad with romaine, spinach, carrots, celery, sweet potato, avocado, tomato, egg

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Smoothie bowl

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Delicious spoonful of Nuttzo

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Five Workouts:

  • Run
  • Bodypump x2!!
  • CXWORX x2
  • Yoga
  • Elliptical

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Heading to Florida!! Seriously I can’t wait (or believe that I am actually going!)
  • Experimental baking.  Tonight I am going to attempt to make some healthy cookies for the road!
  • Reading before bedreading kindle
  • The fact that we had a 70 degree day here in Indianapolis on Tuesday!! I can’t wait for warm weather!
  • Couples yoga with Brian 🙂

tara and brian yoga

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  • Share something about your week!!

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    • We are in Pensacola 🙂 It’s not HOT but it’s better than cold Indianapolis! Where are you in Florida!?

  1. Florida’s a good place to be 🙂 I’m originally from PA, so moving down here and getting away from the cold winters has been great. Enjoy your visit!

    Also, thanks for sharing my post!