Five Things Friday 1.31.2014

I cannot believe it is the LAST day of January…seriously this month completely flew by for me.

I am thankful that this is the Friday and the weekend is basically here because I have lots of “me” things to do and get checked off my list.

Time for my Five Things Friday. Β As always, thanks for hosting, Clare!!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

Frittata with spinach and artichoke….so good and easy!

frittata 8

Oh She Glows endurance crackers. Β Definitely a recipe I will remake!

endurance crackers 2

Salmon stuffed pepper. Β A kitchen experiment gone right!

salmon stuffed peppers

My final Whole 30 meal!

whole 30 day 30

Today is reintegration day 1 post Whole 30. Β I am reintroducing legumes in my diet, which means I get to eat peanut butter! πŸ™‚ Β Beyond excited.

peanut butter breakfast

peanut butter breakfast

Five Workouts:

  • Treadmill running
  • Running outdoors (it’s freezing!)
  • Bodypump
  • Bodyjam!!


Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • The fact that I actually completed the Whole 30 Challenge. Β Seriously, I cannot believe it!

whole 30

  • This little owl air freshener holder that Brian’s aunt made for our bathroom:

cute owl

  • A friend trying one of my recipes and loving it πŸ™‚

You made it:  Beth one pot lentils

  • Getting better at yoga πŸ™‚

yoga headstand

  • The Bachelor…my guilty pleasure πŸ™‚

the bachelor

Five Posts I Have Loved:

Happy Friday Friends! Β 

Your Turn:

  • What is one thing that has made your week great?
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  1. Thanks for including my juice review! Congrats on the Whole 30 – I toyed with the idea but apparently decided 3 days of juice was better. Errrmmm… next time. πŸ™‚

    I’ve made those endurance crackers before too – delish!

  2. Wow! Salmon stuffed peppers! I have made many stuffed peppers, but salmon in there is new. I bet that was delicious! Also would have never thought of putting artichokes in a fritatta. That sounds wonderful too!

    I am so glad you managed to run outside. I only did one treadmill run this week, and I did a 6 mile hard (followed by 6 easy) when it was the coldest day, and even though I was miserable, I was so proud, and I know it only makes me tougher. It will give you a grit, a determination that can only be built on those days. πŸ™‚