6 Weeks to 6 Miles

Dinner came together very easily last night, was extremely tasty, and made tons of leftovers.

pumpkin enchiladasI whipped up a batch of pumpkin enchiladas.  This recipe never seems to disappoint, but I always forget just how good they are until I make the recipe again.

Lots of requests come to me asking for quick, healthy, and interesting week night meals and I highly recommend this pumpkin enchilada recipe!  It’s pretty low calorie, sneaks in some undetectable and nutritious veggies, and depending on your family size makes leftovers for later in the week!

If you haven’t yet…give it a try 🙂

pumpkin enchiladas 2


A couple of weeks ago, I completed the Indianapolis 500 Festival Mini Marathon.  Since then, I have taken a bit of a break from running, but Sunday I got back into the swing of things and took Brian with me!

brian and taraThe day before our wedding, we are running a local 6 mile race called the Firecracker 6.  Brian and I ran this race in 2011 and in 2012, and we are ready to hit it again in 2013!

We are encouraging our wedding party and guests to run with us.  If you are in the area on the 4th of July, we both highly recommend the race too!  The course gives a great view of downtown Indianapolis and it is just a fun race to participate in…and you get beer at the finish line 😉

Our first official training run was on Sunday, just an easy 3 miler.

3 miles

Right now, we don’t have any time goals.  Our goal is to run the race together, watch all of our friends and family cross the finish line, and HAVE FUN!

Here is what our training plan will look like:

6 mile training plan

Wish us luck on our road to 6 miles!

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    • It is such a fun tradition, and I love training with Brian for it 🙂 He never runs, so these next couple of weeks will be a treat!