Living and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle is something that is very important to me. I try to exercise regularly, try new things, and enjoy what I am doing!
Daily Workout Log
My daily workout log is where I keep track of my daily physical activity and the group fitness classes that I teach. I typically exercise 4-5 days a week, and try to maintain “active” rest days 1-2 days a week. You can check out this list to see what I am up to this week!
Circuit Workouts
I love circuit workouts because they keep the body guessing, allow me to workup a huge sweat, and they keep me interested and engaged in the workout. Check out this page if you are need of some workouts to do at your gym, your home gym, or with no equipment at all!
Indoor Cycling Workouts
Indoor cycling is one of my favorite ways to incorporate high intensity interval cardio into my weekly routine. I know that in less than 10 minutes on a bike, my heart rate will be soaring and I will be feeling that workout rush! These are some of the formats for classes that I have taught, but feel free to print the workout off and do it on a spin bike at your own gym!!
Yoga Pose of the Day
I have never been one that could be labeled as flexible, yet on while working as the Fitness Director on board a cruise ship I had to teach yoga classes. After undergoing a pretty intense training boot camp to become proficient in many fitness regimes, including yoga, I can finally appreciate the flexibility I gained by regularly practicing yoga and the amazing and refreshing feeling that I get after completing a session.
In order to prepare to teach yoga classes on the cruise ship, I decided to learn various yoga poses before heading to training in order to improve my flexibility and to familiarize myself with the terminology.
Running is something that I truly enjoy. I don’t enjoy it because it is easy, but because it is a challenge and all that I need in order to complete a run is me! I love listening to my favorite music and podcasts and totally zoning out for the majority of the run.
I have run a handful of races from 5Ks to half marathons. Here is a list I have compiled with each race so that I can easily compare times and progress with previous races.
Fitness Related Posts
Here you will find a list of fitness related posts that have been featured on Treble in the Kitchen in the past!