Lazy Morning

What do I love about a day without work or anything scheduled?

Sleeping until my body naturally wakes up…7am this morning…woo!

Eating breakfast in my PJs before my daily workout

Today’s breakfast:  Strawberry Banana Smoothie Bowl topped with raw oats

  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1/2 cup almond milke
  • pinch of xanthum gum
  • handful of spinach
  • splash of vanilla
  • 2 packets of splenda
  • water and ice for volume
I also love being able to watch the Today Show in the morning.  I haven’t been able to watch it since Ann Curry took over for Meredith, but so far this morning she is doing great!
Because of the heatwave all over the country, they tried to cook an egg, pizza, macaroni and cheese, and cookies on the side walk yesterday…and it worked!  Crazy
I also love not having to shower until later in the day…is that strange?  I just feel like it’s a summer thing for some reason!
Happy Friday to everyone!
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