Irish Fest Weekend

This weekend has been relaxing, fun, and pretty much stress free.  Brian and I haven’t done anything really out of the ordinary, but the weekend just feels good!

Friday night, we spent the night “in” while enjoying our favorite takeout and The Hunger Games.  We are getting so far in the third book that I just had to rewatch the first to see if I missed any little details.

Friday night dinner 3

Brian’s favorite takeout:  Chicken Tikka Masala

Friday night dinner 2

Tara’s favorite takeout:  giant salad bar salad 🙂

Friday night dinner

Saturday:  Irish Fest

Yesterday afternoon, Brian’s family came over to hang out, eat dinner and then go to the Indianapolis Irish Fest.

The weather was very hot at the beginning of this week, but suddenly turned into fall on Friday.  The crisp weather made it perfect for attending an outdoor festival.

irish fest

Brian’s dad made a special quinoa salad with lots of veggies…delish!  On the side we enjoyed caprese salad and some other yummy goodies.

irish fest 2

Whenever we attend Irish Fest, it is always a gamble as to how the weather will turn out.  Some years it is still scorching hot, and some years it feels like fall.

We were happy it was a fall-like day so we could pull out the sweaters!


Ben was a groomsman in our wedding, and it looks like Adam and Ben missed hanging out with each other these past couple of months without the wedding 🙂  So fun!


We enjoyed yummy drinks (hard cider for me!)

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We enjoyed cute Shelties.

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We enjoyed cute Irish Setter puppies.

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We enjoyed fun, live, Irish music.

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The Irish Fest is a fun tradition that truly kicks off the fall season.  It was such a great night!

Funny Story

Once we left the Irish Fest, we headed to a bar for a drink before heading home.  One of the guys in our group bet Kegan, another guy in our group, that he couldn’t do 17 push-ups….well I chimed in and said that I would do the 17 push-ups.  Well, from there the guy said that he didn’t think girls could do full push-ups.  I assured him I could do MORE than just 17 full push-ups and he said he wouldn’t believe it until he saw it, AND if I did it he would buy my next drink.

So…I did 21 right alongside Kegan 🙂

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That was a fun way to end the night!

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  1. Love your pictures of the Irish Fest! I was so close to going but ended up going down to Bloomington for the day instead. I definitely need to plan to go next year! I might have to make up for it with one of the Oktoberfest celebrations. 🙂